YPO Fast Facts


YPO is the global platform for chief executives to engage, learn and grow. YPO members harness the knowledge, influence and trust of the world’s most influential and innovative business leaders to inspire business, personal, family and community impact.

Today, YPO empowers more than 24,000 members in more than 130 countries, diversified among industries and types of businesses. Altogether, YPO member-run companies employ 15 million people and generate USD6 trillion in annual revenues.

Leadership. Learning. Lifelong.


What is a Forum?



A forum is a diverse group of YPO peers (members, spouse/partners) who meet regularly to share ideas and experiences in multiple areas of their lives.  Forums exists in many ways: chapter based, member or spouse/partner, couples, YNG’rs, networks, virtually, regionally or internationally. 2015 was the 40-year anniversary of forum in YPO. Since its inception, forum has become the universal language of YPO, leading to immediate and meaningful connections among members worldwide.


MicroForum™ is a unique and “opt-in” way to have more meaningful connections within the greater YPO community. If you wish to understand this innovative platform in greater detail or start your own MicroForum™, please inquire.

Forum Fundamentals

Forum Fundamentals Workshop is an all-day interactive training for members and spouse partners of YPO. The foundational aspects of forum are taught in a safe and confidential space. The training is a combination of theory and experiential learning. The eight essential Forum Success Principles that guide how YPO members communicate and interact with each other are the focus of the learning. The workshop participants will also share in a Forum meeting using the principles learned.

The eight success principles discussed and practiced:
Forum Protocol**
Forum Structure**
Shared Vision/Purpose/Values

Forum Fundamentals is often hosted by a local or regional chapter but can also be an opportunity for forums to be launched.

Get Started

Forum Moderator Development

Bring your unique leadership skills to your forum experience. Increase member engagement during your tenure as we cover yearly planning, driving vulnerability, preparing exercises, icebreakers, update forms and more. Tips, tricks and tools are extensively shared.

Because the health of every Forum is impacted by the Forum moderator’s skill as a facilitator and their mastery of Forum protocol and key concepts, the Forum Moderator Development workshop is a prerequisite for all incoming moderators. Members and spouse/partners immerse themselves in advanced leadership and moderation skills, identify tools and techniques that will enhance the Forum experience. We review YPO best practice with other incoming moderators. You will leave with a better grasp of your role, tools to help you lead your Forum to greater growth and depth, and a clearer understanding of the importance of this critical role. It is an eight-hour class. Maximum attendees in a class is 10.

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Transformational Forum

Based on the ideas of Stanford professor, Shirzad Chamine and his theories of Positive Intelligence, this transformational training will create shifts in your understanding of the value of vulnerability, the role of looking inward, effecting change in others thru specific feedback and how to achieve an even greater take home value from your forum journey.

Learning the nuances of transformational interactions takes one and half days. Using the pillars of emotions, vulnerability, feedback and self-curiosity, each forum member will have opportunities for radical self-awareness. The training is highly experiential and increases depth and deep trust within the forum.

The Transformational Forum Retreat requires attendance by all forum members, at least two years’ membership as an intact forum, and high group trust with no on-going conflict. The forum will be able to transfer the protocols of the retreat to their regular meetings. These skills are only taught by YPO Certified Forum Facilitators (CFF) who have received additional training and certification.

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Chapter Events and Chapter Stir-Fry

Patience has been a resource for many Chapter events. Integration and alignment of members in a chapter is a critical component of a member’s YPO experience. Chapter Stir Fry events can be a fun and engaging way to bring in forum elements at the chapter level. Building deeper and more meaningful relationships via a stir-fry is often the best way to quickly scale trust and enhance the chapter value.

Do you want to create a custom chapter event that considers YPO e-code? Do you want to create a unique and “only-in” event that will be your legacy? There many possibilities and options that will achieve these goals.

Patience has won two YPO international awards; Best Innovative Youth Event - Middle East North Africa (MENA) for an event in Cairo, Egypt and Best Forum Health Award for an eight hour “Full on Forum” chapter event in Canada. In addition, as a YPO spousal member and prior board member of the Orange County Chapter and YPO Gold Pacific Regional Board Member, she has been a day chair and co-chaired numerous chapter and regional events.

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Forum SuperCharge™

Is your forum ready to look within? The Forum SuperCharge will help assess key challenges and opportunities for growth in your Forum.

The forum healthy survey, developed by YPO, takes a very detailed look at the eight success principles and how they are experienced in your forum. Using this data, a detailed agenda is created to support your forum’s strength’s and where opportunities exist for improvement. A retreat is often planned around a review of the survey and individualized interventions complete the support.

Healthy Forums that have highly engaged and robust meetings still benefit from a bi-yearly tune-up as health is critical for on-going success.

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Custom YPO Retreats

A forum retreat is a significant investment of time and energy. A retreat is a withdrawal and a pulling back from your day to day routines. It is also an active time for you to grow, stretch and examine your life. A custom assessment tools is the starting point as well as conversations with forum members to determine the course of the retreat. The entire working agenda is crafted and creates a balance of learning with in-depth activities and exercises. Pondering, then having clarity around, what you would like to be different once the retreat has concluded, helps guide the specific and original exercises. What would you like to achieve, explore or understand further? There are many paths to consider (communication skill building, conflict resolution, forum intimacy, transparent talk™, life planning, interpersonal dynamic/interpersonal health discussions, wise within™ (embodied wisdom), and many more. These are just a few custom retreat ideas.

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Four Step Forum Exploration™ (FSFE)

Want to practice the incredible Four Step Forum Exploration™ as a forum?

Moving from direct experience sharing to inward self-curiosity, the presentation portion of a forum meeting is taught and practiced. Training, observing, modeling deep sharing, and supporting group intimacy, the forum will also have an opportunity to receive, in the moment, feedback on meeting structure, content an protocols. Having a “guest” moderator run your 4-hour meeting allows the forum to receive the best of the best modeling and live demonstrations.

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YPO Forum Retreat Attendee

YPO Forum Retreat Attendee

"Patience was extremely effective and steers the group toward a transformational experience."

Customized Retreat Attendee

Customized Retreat Attendee

"She was instrumental in creating a safe space that enabled us to develop depth of emotion."

Forum SuperCharge™ Attendee

Forum SuperCharge™ Attendee

"She helped our group express vulnerability which helped build greater trust."